Degenerative disc disease treatment, cervical.

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Osteokondrozis (osteon, bone, cartilage - chords, G.)– this dystrophic changes in cartilage, intervertebral disc, starting with a violation of power and the weakening of intervertebral disc and cartilage tissue destruction, and why foreign exchange transactions ageing of the joints.

Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative disc disease, cervical – this is a fairly complex process, because it is the most mobile and Nov corset this section of the spine, the vertebrae support the most vulnerable and difficult exercise. Another complication is that cervical bandage on the contrary, for the other sections of the corset to the spine tough enough to wear the bandage and so impossible to hide under clothing.

The cause of low back pain is the result of

Cervical degenerative disc disease the causes are varied – from an inherited tendency from continuous high loads. In the modern world, osteochondritis visibly younger, his symptoms begin to emerge, people 20 years and younger sometimes.

The cause of the underlying disease is as follows:

  • Static load, when the man forced to be a monotonous pose for a long time. Constantly seats computer chair or in a car, this is one of the major reasons, and degenerative disc disease, including cervical;
  • Dynamic overload protection – sudden movements, turns, calculated during load the wrong hotel. Body position often shifts in load lifting and carrying a heavy load;
  • The wrong posture sitting at a desk or constantly wearing a backpack during one shoulder;
  • Trauma, spine, cervical Myositis, and continuous Nov.

These are the main reasons for the lower cooling effect of the disease on additional factors such as some chemical substances with the added air, and food, non-compliance, nutrition and rest, excess weight, hereditary predisposition,traffic joints pathology, hormonal crashes. All of these factors can themselves cause a lot of degenerative disc disease, but revealed an increased risk for complicated reasons.

Learn how to recognize

Cervical degenerative disc disease symptoms that any person easily to get to know her:

  • Caused difficulties while turn his head. Localization and density by location of breach, the angle may be different – sometimes a person is not completely turn on its head, and sometimes, it is felt, only a little pain;
  • A constant tension of the muscles of the neck, the shoulder girdle all the damage begins. Deep system any venture, shoulder and neck muscles relax, accompanied by pain;
  • Sleeve length shoulder discomfort brush. A feeling of numbness spreading to the outer part, the hand so strong and sometimes, what is accounting, advanced hand mash;
  • Acute cutting pain, together with tingling;
  • Even a slight pressure develops pain in the shoulder or arm. Pain blocker in the acute phase which may be so severe the person looks even heavy draped a jacket over the shoulders;
  • Any sudden movement, sneezing, cough, bend, head, and neck pain increases especially right a healthy.

Disease diagnosis

Degenerative disc disease symptoms to realize that this is the most simple and any person get to know himself.

In fact, symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical vertebrae are varied. Some very similar symptoms, diseases, FAQ and osteochondritis of the thoracic vertebrae, you will be able to distinguish them, only an expert:

  • Sometimes I feel sick of the numbness, in the legs, there is a movement limiting;
  • Restricted blood flow in the vertebral artery associated with migraine may occur in a compressed brain tissue. Headache of cervical degenerative disc disease with further development may become permanent;
  • The weather may be very different headaches, but the occipital parietal temporomandibular most frequently occurring part and movable part. A slope and turns, headaches, reinforced, and so consciousness;
  • Sometimes pressing, long-term pain in the heart area.

These are all symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease and only different characteristic, therefore, localisation can be an expert only Pathology found the right place. Instrumental techniques used during diagnosis:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Fluoroscopic research;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Ultrasonography.

These and other techniques, the doctor will determine the correct, in which the vertebrae gosh, what a place it is sufficient to assign the problems according to the intensity of localized pathology and treatment.

Basic treatment principles

Osteokondrozis a doctor to determine the treatment of cervical. Self-medication leads to the desired results and in most cases, the only issue is exacerbated by.

Degenerative disc disease treatment consists of two phases:

  • Medication treatment is to remove inflammation and eliminating the pain syndrome, etc. Basic drugs – oral and injectable pain killers and NSAIDs, which are Nov. Input the second way is preferred, therefore, a drug such as treats, and effects the digestive system faster. Electrophoresis procedure in the hospital environment, the patient can do, incentive, speed the penetration of active ingredients, the fire of inflammation;
  • Physiotherapy procedures should be done after the start of inflammation and reduce pain.

Basic methods of physiotherapy treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease are as follows:

  • Only an expert massage, you need to make. As an amateur I don't trust any that may be caused by inappropriate pressure or sudden movement may aggravate the problem. To increase the effect, instead of regular massage oil that you can use as anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments, the active ingredients more easily penetrate the barrier during a massage shower and the stove have a direct impact on inflammation and pain. Minimum number of sessions – 10, a course can be increased if necessary;
  • Electrophoresis the use of anti-inflammatory and pain medications;
  • UHF, laser therapy, therapy, magnetic fields.

To carry out all these operations in a hospital setting, and some using custom portable in the house-burning devices:

  • Physical therapy, consisting of specially chosen a complicated exercise. Doing exercises that are used for different exercise equipment, have to switch classes, under the supervision of an expert. There are exercises for cervical degenerative disc disease treatment effectively equipped with movable arms that loop Glisson levels using a wooden panel. Exercises like it's not worth it, as you do yourself any careless move may cause a deterioration;
  • For private use kinesiology tape, pain in the region of glued fibers progresses in a Nov. That acceptance of some of the burden themselves much faster thanks to the restore process, vertebral pain is reduced;
  • During the treatment, experts in the prevention and later, the private-neck bandage, for example, rubber Trench. Nov products to buy this elastic tension relieve some of the burden, the faster the healing process. Who constantly a monotonous stance, such a collar is recommended for you to stay every day 1⁄2 - 1 hour for the neck muscles rested.

How to help yourself

After suffering from the disease, patients often ask themselves the question, What is to prevent a recurrence or aggravation of the disease.

The basic suggestions are:

  • To do this, a correct lifestyle, hiking, play continuously during Operation physical, 5 minutes;
  • Periodically change necessarily continuous in static position, posture, and definitely the neck bandage to be worn for at least 1 day for unloading the muscles of the neck and entertainment;
  • Masseuse 1-2 times a year preventive visit to keep a course;
  • Do sports. Nov and unloading retrofit best sports – swimming;
  • At the first sign of cervical degenerative disc disease necessarily necessarily necessary to consult a doctor for the prescription that will make examination and treatment.